Wednesday, April 03, 2019

"Joker, The Dark Smile Begins" - Trailer Review

joker review trailer

Warner Bros. has released the first trailer for the highly anticipated upcoming DC Comics adaptation "Joker". The movie is a character-driven study of the famous Batman villain that stars Joaquin Phoenix in and as "Joker", and is based on an idea hatched by co-writer and director Todd Phillips. Their previous films like The Hangover trilogy and War Dogs flirted with the dark territory but that never went on full drama. The idea was to create a one-off  DC adaptation unconnected to other DC films like Batman v Superman or Wonder Woman. This new Joker movie isn’t expected to tie into those movies series.

The trailer is pretty impressive, and the Martin Scorsese influence is extremely prevalent. This looks to be a dark and gritty, twisted drama about a troubled man who is continually beaten down until he decides to turn pyscho in a single line of the storyline. The trailer starts with a shot of Manhattan doubling as Gotham City. This trailer, shows Phoenix's like a failed stand up, slowly touching upon the reality. At one frame, he stares into the mirror and slowly pushes mouth into a horrifying grin. While talking to the therapist, he says "my mother always tells me to smile and put on a happy face". This scene seems more grief than a comic book movie. He has beaten down by mobbers in a subway, while he holds a banner "everything must go!!", and at last, he had bitten by the same from mobbers. In another time, he dances in tightly whities derelict apartment, apart from the reality.

"is it just me", the Joker muses, "Or  is it getting crazier out there?."

Some positives spotted from the trailer:-
*The frames and shots were exceptional.
*A Good background score and sounding chosen.
* Detailed version of Joker, but questionable shall it wins over a huge fan base of Joker.
*Seems well-captured transformation of Flack to Joker, it's horrific "Backbone Visuals"
*Laugh the smile of Joker
*strong performance

Arthur’s dialogue: “I used to think my life was a tragedy. But now I believe it’s a comedy.”
We see Joker dancing down a long set of stairs.
The last shot is Joker, in full makeup but not smiling, getting into an elevator...

Good piece of art loading from DC

Official Reviewer: Rahuldaas

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